About Joshua Dean Wiley


Joshua Dean Wiley has always been an artist.  Whether tinkering in his Grandfather’s workshop or dabbling in his Aunt’s studio his youth was full of creative energy.  All of this led to early careers in photography, printmaking, and graphic arts.  He pursued higher studies in Fine Arts in his home state of Iowa and New York City with Master Painter, Peter Max.  Eventually, the lure of the Southwest and new artistic opportunities drew him to Phoenix, AZ in 1995.  Shortly there after, in early 1997, he began his painting career at a world acclaimed fine arts center.  While working with many other talented artists he began to develop his own style.  Inspired by his own artistic growth he decided to start the challenging journey of becoming a full-time Contemporary artist.  By eagerly addressing his dream, from his Central Phoenix art studio, he has been able to garner representation in multiple Arizona and National galleries. His work can also be found in corporate and private collections around the world.

His artwork, inspired by everyday life, includes simple landscapes representing the rural Midwest of his youth and vivacious abstracts stimulated by the power of the great urban desert of Phoenix.  Josh paints with a prolific range of styles. This creative force is driven by his desire to explore a whole variety of mediums.  He implements various techniques of application to create texture, movement, and depth.  Color and composition also play a major role in creating an emotional reaction or response with the viewer.  Each of his artworks are painted with a myriad of layers, creating texture, color & movement, conveying images, emotions, and the layers of everyday life.  He paints his world with elemental earth tones and metallic’s; iron oxide, chromium oxide, silver and gold. Josh continues to push the boundaries of presentation merging mediums to create sculptural art forms with acrylic, steel, canvas & wood.

He encourages you to look closely at the variety of layers, textures and colors he has created.  Let them lead you into an appreciation of the hidden details in the world around you.